You know you were born for something bigger

Hi I’m Kathy,

And I’m grateful that you’re here.

If you’re anything like me you’re a big hearted entrepreneur
who has always felt you’re here to make a difference.

 Maybe you’re already working in your dream field ….
but things have gone a little flat – your heart yearns for more.

 Or you’re on track – but working waaaaay too hard.
Without any life balance, you’re starting to burn out – tired, uninspired…

Ready to get off the feast ’n’ famine roller-coaster ride.


Or maybe you never found your true soul’s calling – but you long to.
You had big dreams for your life,
but followed the ‘safe’ path that your parents laid out for you.

Now you’re working crazy hours, successful by worldly standards,
but feeling numb inside. 

I’ve learned through my own journey
that the path we take from the head to the heart -–
to live our true calling
is where our deepest joy, meaning and fulfilment lies.

It’s how we unleash our full potential,
make our greatest contribution, and
cultivate inner peace.


You want to:

• Know and live your unique purpose
• Align with your True North
• Know that you are making a difference
• Wake up energized and inspired
• Feel content, fulfilled and at peace

• Live your full potential
• Feel connected to and directed by Source
• Live a deeply meaningful and fulfilling life
• Courageously step up and go for your dreams

Together we’ll uncover what that looks like.

Apply for your free
Soul Clarity Breakthrough Session

How I Work

I combine a rare mix of energy healing practices, subtle realm support, business mindset and values based life coaching, spiritual guidance and the scientific and spiritual practices of the heart to clear deep limiting ancestral patterns and unravel the knots of belief systems and behaviors that keep you spinning your wheels in self sabotage.

Together we free you so you can to rise to your next level of leadership and live the fulfilling life of deep joy and meaning you’ve always yearned for.

I’ve served hundreds of clients over 21 years and have an amazing success rate helping them clarify and step fully into their soul’s purpose.

Incomes skyrocket, new businesses are launched, creative projects are completed – and clients wake up feeling energized, enthusiastic and on purpose.

A little more about me:

Born in NY, studied at UCSD, California girl forever and always been the sporty kid. I love spending time in nature, hiking and could live off veggie pasta pesto all week!

I grew up a good Catholic girl who thought the only thing that mattered was my grades – and learned early on what it feels like to ignore the wisdom of your own heart to meet the approval and expectations of loved ones.

A naturally gifted student I went into computer engineering at the wish of my parents.



My turning point

Throughout college I sustained multiple injuries from athletics and was told by doctors to ‘get used to the pain – welcome to the rest of your life…..’

Day by day I felt more and more ground down by the pain. Lucky for me the head of the Computer Department at the California Space Institute (where I was a software engineer), noticed and recommended I try Energy Medicine for healing.

It changed the course of my life forever.

From Software Engineer to 7 Figures

From there I discovered the wisdom of Indigenous healers, sat at the feet of the spiritually enlightened saints Ammachi, Mother Meera and Karunamayi, studied the Vedas at Maharishi University, taught yoga and lived in a meditation community for 18 years.

I was an early ambassador for the Napoleon Hill teachings and went from being a software engineer for the California Space Institute to generating successful sales income of over a million dollars with Nikken.

I trained as a Certified Resonance Repatterning Practitioner, Life Purpose Guide, Affirmations Coach and HeartMath Practitioner and became President of my own corporation Live Peace Today, Inc.

At Live Peace Today our mission is to help humanity navigate the current planetary shift from ‘profit over people’ into a more loving, caring society in harmony with Mother Nature, dedicated to sustainability and world peace. We specialize in Clearing Ancestral Patterns, Life Purpose, Emotional Intelligence, Business Mindset Mentorship and Soul Clarity Coaching and are a bridge for subtle ally support.


The Peace Prophesies


Over the years I had the opportunity to learn from Indigenous Elders and spiritual leaders from Wisdom Traditions around the globe (including India, Tibet, Nepal, Africa, Central and South America and North American Indian Nations), and was inspired to distill the prophecies from their oral story telling traditions down into The Peace Prophecies – which are at the heart of all that I offer.

What my clients love about The Peace Prophecies is that they put everything we’re going through today into context, give us hope for the future and very practical prescriptions for what each of us can do to cultivate a shift into lasting peace today.

It is heartening in many ways to know that by learning from those who have lived in harmony with nature for millennia, clearing the ancestral patterns that keep us acting in old ways, living our soul’s purpose, tapping into the wisdom of our heart, acknowledging the spirit world as real, re-establishing balance on all levels and supporting the rise of the empowered feminine we can each individually play our part in saving the planet and restoring peace on earth.



Whilst our lives may look different on the outside –
I know what it feels like to:

  • Lose your sense of purpose
  • Forsake your heart and soul for the money and career that your family approves of
  • Struggle with the limiting beliefs that hold entrepreneurs and executives back at every level
  • Heal the wound of feeling unlovable and not accepted for who I am
  • Yearn to belong and know that I matter
  • Sabotage my own success and keep myself small for fear of being attacked


But I also know what it feels like to break through those old ancestral patterns and limiting beliefs to…

  • Become a successful and consistent 6 figure entrepreneur from my own unique set of talents and gifts
  • Bring balance to my life and create a business that allows me to travel and live wherever I want
  • Reconnect with my heart, heal the wounds of the soul and feel fully alive
  • Discover the deep joy, and meaning and synchronicities that comes from listening to the wisdom of my heart
  • Feel lit up and powerfully on purpose sharing the timeless, life-changing wisdom of The Peace Prophesies.
  • Create a life that is time rich, abundant and centered around service
  • Be living and breathing my own values of love, connection, peace, freedom and kindness every single day

I’d love to help you discover and enjoy your own next-level of success too.

I offer all potential clients a FREE 75 minute Soul Clarity Breakthrough Session where we’ll illuminate the soul urge driving your vision today, bring to light what is most keeping you from realizing that vision, and identify at least one strategy or tool that can help you break through.


If you resonate with what you are reading here, and want to explore further, you are warmly invited to apply for a Soul Clarity Breakthrough Session.

Apply for your free
Soul Clarity Breakthrough Session